Huayan & Aimer Eco-factory Basketball Match

2024-08-25 15:01:22 嘉兴市华严花边织造有限公司 Viewd 152

On August 25th, in Jiaxing, the brother teams of Huayan and Aimer Eco-factory came together for a "basketball appointment" planned by both companies.


During the game, Huayan players excelled with fast breaks and precise passing, continuously breaking through the opponent's defense. On the other hand, Aimer players grew stronger as the game progressed, launching attacks repeatedly. Their accurate three-point shots earned rounds of applause from the audience. The game was a back-and-forth battle, with the score constantly shifting, making for a thrilling match...





In the end, the game concluded in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere. Players from both teams embraced and saluted each other, jointly celebrating the successful conclusion of this friendly match.


This event was not only a display of the vitality and health of both companies but also a symbol of their deep friendship and ongoing collaboration. Cooperation, sportsmanship, and health—these themes were ever-present throughout the basketball game, reflecting the shared and enduring future that Huayan and Aimer have upheld over the years.